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Curious about what Energy Healing involves? Watch below to learn about various techniques that Angela practices.

The Wayne Cook Posture is a technique created by Donna Eden that establishes a connection between the energy pathways in your body, enabling a harmonious and unrestricted flow. It brings about a sense. of calmness within you, improves your comprehension and ability to tackle the challenges you encounter, uncovers inner confusion, and provides a clearer outlook, allowing your mind to function more efficiently. As a result, you will experience a reduction in feelings of disorientation and being overwhelmed almost instantly.

The Zip Up technique developed by Donna Eden and designed to protect us from any negative energies around us. We can then have a clearer mindset and feel more confident in relation to both ourselves and the world.

The Crossover Shoulder Pull is the perfect example of the power simple stretches have on the body, mind, and spirit. This simple technique helps adjust and realign out energies, so they are properly crossing over and thriving.

Please enjoy this recording of Angela’s presentation to the December 2023 Shift Network Summit. In this video you will practice techniques that will leave you feeling more balanced, more empowered, more connected, and overall, more Self-Loving.

Connecting Heaven & Earth Energy Medicine technique was created by Donna Eden to stimulate the Spleen Meridian and activate the Radiant (“joy”) Circuits. In bridging the energies from above (yang) and the energies from below (yin), this powerful stretching method allows us to strengthen our auras and rejuvenate the body.

The Adrenal Pump is an energy healing technique created by Angela to raise our vibrational level and to ground, center, and focus our energies. Because the adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys, Traditional Chinese Medicine uses the kidney meridians as a starting point for the adrenals.

Fewer techniques in Energy Medicine ignite as much joy and vitality of life as Heaven Rushing In! This technique utilizes the entire body as a way of bringing in light m energy and flow.

This is if you're tired or just need focus, can’t concentrate, just lack energy.

The Cool Down Technique created by Donna Eden is designed to help redistribute energy , reduces body temperature during a hot flash. You can use this technique anytime of the day.

This technique is good for calming down the triple warmer. This technique is going to help balance out your hormones in a beautiful way.

The Celtic Weave is the perfect example of how Energy Healing techniques created by Donna Eden are designed to harmoniously weave our systems together, working together to create balance. The symbolism of the figure eight has a profound effect on tightening our network of energy fields, meridians, and chakras.

The physical sensation of taps along the various meridian points of the body can have remarkable effects, and the Four Thumps technique is no exception. This technique, when practiced daily, can restore your flow of energy, strengthen the immune system, and increase vitality.

The Cross Crawl balances and harmonizes energy, improves coordination, and clears thinking. It helps you have more energy. It helps with coordination.

Menopause Summit

The Crown Pull has been known to release stuck energies, clear the mind, help with insomnia, and even sharpen memory. The physical sensation of this stretch opens the crown chakra to higher inspiration, while also relieving mental congestion and headaches.

The Thymus gland, located directly in the center of the chest, is responsible for regulating the immune system within the body.

Struggling with Chronic Illness, Depression, Long Covid or similar? Watch this video to start feeling better.

The Spleen area helps to govern metabolism, blood flow, infection, inflammation. This is a place where you can regain your control and feeling centered back in your body.

Get ready to boost your coordination and stimulate your brain with our Homolateral Crossover Exercise.